As John and I have been living on weather forecasts, here are what look to be the crucial day specifications...
Sunrise 04:51 (BST) -- 10:51 pm Iowa
Sunset 21:08 (BST) -- 3:08 pm Iowa
High of 64 F
Low of 58 F
Water Temp: 60 F
Winds of around 8 mph
Average wave height in the channel: around 1 meter
At 6:30 BST, John will enter the channel for the last time. I wish him all the best and success or not, I am incredibly proud of all he has sacrificed for this endevour. God speed brother.
Well done, Yank. Hope the French are being kind to you. Generally, I hear, they aren't too fond of English speaking blokes, especially if they are US. We are very proud of you, and I can't say that I doubted that you would make it, provided the weather would cooperate. Good show! Uncle Bruce
Thanks for writing this.
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