(Thanks for the pictures and for performing the physicals Matt! These two characters, Dr. Laurence Fuortes and Dr. Marek Mikulski, are my bosses at work and kindly gave me the month of July off.
According to Matt, "As you can see ("physicaly fit" [bottom photo]), both Lar and Marek are very buff after extensive physical training and anxiously await your return to complete their part of the deal: you swim the English Channel, they swim the Coralville Reservoir. After an extensive mental health examination (see "mental exam" [top photo]) both Lar and Marek have been given the go ahead on their "Swimming the Reservoir" challenge. These two are so mentally tough; there is little doubt that they can conquer this great feat."
I accept and await this challenge with much anticipation. I also want you to know that I miss the spacious filing cabinet room dearly.)
Hello all. If the weather holds up, as it looks like it will, this will be the last time that I blog before pushing off towards Calais.
I spoke to our caption, Andy King (aka The SeaKing) this morning, and I was told the good news that a Canadian fellow, the number three man, went out early this morning. Unless you hear from me otherwise, I will start tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 6:30 AM (12:30 AM CST) off of Shakespeare Beach. My body and mind are both feeling fresh and apt for the journey.
Thomas and I picked up our last supplies this morning including 12 L of water/fruit juice, Mars Bars, bananas, rope to attach the water bottle to, Zinc cream to heat and mix with petroleum jelly for body grease, safety pins to attach light sticks to (as I will probably finish in the dark), and a large sketch pad for the crew to write jokes, riddles, words of encouragement, and probably profanities to keep me amused and/or motivated.
Thomas is also bringing his suit and goggles to pace with me when the times are tough. We also will probably be joined by Collie, the Aussie, who was the first person to successfully cross this season (only 2 out of the 9 attempts on Monday were good). It will be wonderful to have his expertise aboard. I still need to talk to my friend Iain to see if he can make it down to join us on a rather short notice - as I didn't originally anticipate us moving through the window so quickly.
The rest of today looks like a 30 minute swim, some stretching and yoga, running through last minute check lists, making a few telephone calls (which are costing an arm and a leg by using calling cards at pay phones), eating pasta, and trying to finish my latest book, The Four Minute Mile (a very motivating text about the competition between three milers to break the impossible barrier - and Roger Bannister is able to finally do it while simultaneously juggling his third year of medical school). I finally hope to do a fair bit of resting.
As of yesterday, after summing up the miles in my journal that I have swam since January 1 of this year, I concluded that I have splashed around for 621.5 miles. Based on this, as well as my average stroke rates, I feel confident as long as my body stays warm and my mind does not allow my body to give up.
I appreciate the words of encouragement and thoughts that you all have given me to reflect upon tomorrow. Your support is truly heartwarming, and my deepest hope is to not let any of you down.
With much love and care.
John - good luck and good currents
John, my Iowa City posse and I will be sending you warm thoughts (literally) all day tomorrow. Be safe. I have faith in you.
Good luck!!!
We'll be remembering the White Cliffs of Dover song your Grandpa mentioned.
Remember: Always spit to leeward.
Jack and Marion
I can't tell you how excited I am. I woke up today and had all this energy to send your way, even if it is middle aged energy I hope it helps ;-)
We are with you guys...all the way and there is no way in the world you will let anyone down!
John - Best of luck to you from me and the rest of the office. We all know you can do it. Stay warm and just keep swimming.
Matt Lozier
Good luck John on your swim...we will be sending warm thoughts from Oregon (it's in the l00s in the valley this week)this evening and will look forward to hearing when you finish. God speed....
GOOD LUCK, John!!!
Everybody in the Honors Program will be thinking about you tomorrow!
Best of luck John and Thomas-
We'll be sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
Good Luck!!!!
God speed. We'll be thinking about you two.
John and Thomas,
You will be in our thoughts all day.
An amazing effort you are both making!
We will wait with excitement!
You will do so well!! I will be thinking about you all day long. No silly thoughts about letting anyone down--just swim and do your best and by doing so you've put more effort in than most any of us have toward the benefit of health care for the greater good. You rock. Thanks for your visions and endeavors. WE love you.
Thomas--make sure he keeps breathing!! You are an inspiration yourself.
Can't wait to see you both back at next month.
love you both, kate
Thinking about you right now, 8:00 CST. You've been in the water for about seven hours. Sending warm thoughts toward Calais!
Good luck to both of you! You're probably over half way there already!
Sending goog thoughts your way...
We're thinking of you - swimming at this moment! Anxious to hear your stories....
Laura and boys
Since I didn't feel like drinking any salt water or taking a cold shower, I am wearing the purple "Health Care is a Basic Human Right" t-shirt in solidarity with you now.
warm thoughts to you
John - wow, I can't believe you are swimming right now! Watching this whole adventure evolve has truly been amazing - and I hope you know that there is absolutely no way you could let us down! Your spirit and energy are wonderful!!
Our thoughts are with you all day today while we go about our usual tasks. Good luck... sending our positive wishes your way all day!
Linda & Ron Trudo
There is no way you can let anyone down. Best wishes to you ... positive vibes are being sent your way!!!!
Helen ... you don't know me :)
Best of Luck to you John! I know you will accomplish great things today!!!
John -
You've accomplished so much already for the FMC. Best of luck on the swim - we are thinking of you!
Jonathan Wiese
I Spoke to Anna a bit ago and she told me that you were successful! We knew you would be. Congratulations!!!
I talked to a guy from WHO 13 in Des Moines and they are going to put something on the 10pm news tonight. The PC called and KCRG...you are going to be famous like it or not...we are so proud of all you have accomplished.
Just rest now
Wow. I am absolutely in awe.
Congratulations, John, on a simply amazing achievement.
John - Congratulations! That was a great feat. With Thomas keeping you going we knew you would make it. Looks like picking up rocks and all the construction work paid off. Enjoy the rest of your trip.
Craig and Martha H.
John - congratulations. We just heard about it on the news. This is an amazing achievement. Another thing is the time - 12 hr 40 mins? you were chased by something or what:)
Nice work, John!
I've been following the blog and have been quite jealous of your adventures. It sounds like you've earned some R&R.
Congrats, and enjoy the rest of your stay in Europe!
Astonishing, amazing, admirable, great!
Congratulations as well for the sporting performance as for the social reason and the really important issue from
your proud German distant relatives
Erne & Edzard
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